Informational graphic about the Watchmen Arise Kingdom Advancement School.

2024 Winter Schedule

Kingdom Advancement School training tracks
Land Redemption Course graphic

New classes are forming starting August 2024.

Interested? What are you waiting for?
Click “Learn More” to get on our waiting list and receive our article: 7 Prayer Targets for City Transformation

Victorious Prayer Warrior Bootcamp for Individuals

Email to join the waiting list for our next online class.

Bootcamp for Individuals:
God did not create you to be beat up by the devil, shell-shocked from spiritual warfare, or defeated by prayers that have not been answered! In this course you will learn how to navigate through life’s battles with victory.

Tuition includes:

  • 7 Weekly video classes that you watch on demand.
  • The Victorious Prayer Warrior Bootcamp Field Manual (106 pages)
  • Scheduled weekly webinars with your instructors.
  • Interaction with other online students through discussion groups and social media
  • Free coaching appointment with your instructors

Tuition:  $97.00 (1 year access) or 2 payments of $55.00

TRAIN THE TRAINER Certification Program

Self-Study Enrollment Open Now
Coaching Call starts August 2024

Train the Trainer students will learn how to facilitate group training using the Victorious Prayer Warrior Bootcamp videos and manual compiled by Richard and Kimberly Wilson.  Weekly calls will cover dynamics of leading a group, how to assess your team as well of instruction on how to facilitate discussions around the weekly videos.

Tuition includes:

  • 7-Week Bootcamp for Zoom sessions with Richard & Kimberly
  • 7 Weekly leadership mentoring sessions
  • 1 year access to training videos to show your students
  • Customized access for your team to the online video classroom
  • Specialized support from the Watchmen Arise team
  • Discounted Field Manuals for your students
  • Yearly fee waived if you host a bootcamp ($297 value)

Tuition:  $297.00 (1 year access) or 2 payments of $155.00

Operation Strike Force Training

6 Month Advanced Mentoring and Training for the Serious Prayer Warrior.

This training addresses the problem that too many believers do not know their true identity and what their real destiny is, therefore the Kingdom of God is not advancing!

This course will challenge your belief system, change your language, and set you on a course to walk and talk as a son or daughter of the King of Kings.

Cost: $27/mo or $157 paid in full

Next class starts in Winter 2024

Still wondering if this is for you? Kick us an email at and ask for the preview video link. That way you can check it out.

Societal Transformers Bootcamp

Societal Transformers Bootcamp (Self-Study Program)

Learn how to be an occupying force that brings societal transformation!

In this 5-Part course Richard & Kimberly Wilson will teach you about:


In Jesus’ declaration in Matthew 16:13-20, he made the statement “Upon this rock I will build My church.” Church, which is Ekklesia in Greek, means more than the building where we gather on Sunday mornings. In this course we dive into the God’s intent for His Ekklesia to set societal standards and live the life of societal transformers.

We will explore in depth the word Jesus’ used for church, where it originated and what that means for us today. We will gain a clear understanding of the term ekklesia, that it is not an event, but a lifestyle. We will receive ekklesia culture habits that will reflect our call as kings and priests.

Register today for SOCIETAL TRANSFORMERS BOOTCAMP. Classes can be taken on demand at your convenience. Registration includes full access to each lesson’s curriculum and teaching videos.

Group training is available for ministry and church teams; Discount rate available.
Contact us at to set up a free consult appointment.