Registration is now open for our April 21, 2018 Kingdom Advancement School: PREPARING FOR BATTLE 2.0: Active Duty class with Richard and Kimberly Wilson.  If you’re in the Tampa Bay area, join us live for a day of training designed to equip you to be an effective prayer warrior.   Classes are held at Ekklesia House International, 305 N. Dover Rd., Dover, FL 33527.

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God is releasing strategies to win in the days ahead. He is looking for those who will take the kingdom by force. Whether you feel called to pray for your school, business, church or region, the lessons in this course will equip you to succeed in the battles ahead. You will receive keys to cultivate your personal prayer life. You will learn how to join with others in corporate intercession.
Preparing for Battle is an intensive training course for those God is calling out to seek a hostile take over of the kingdom of darkness. Preparation takes time and sometimes in our hurry to see results we miss this step. May we all take time to revisit the issues of our heart and the call of God on our lives so we can be positioned to advance together in the days ahead!
Whether you are a seasoned intercessor, ministry leader or just getting started in the prayer movement this course is for you. This class will set you on a course of victory. Get ready to be prepared for battle!

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KINGDOM ADVANCEMENT CLASSES ARE NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE:  Includes audio files, downloadable workbook and class handouts.  Internet access is required.  Cost per session: $25.00.
Check out our COURSES page to learn more about Preparing for Battle 2.0 Online.