Richard & Kimberly Wilson

The Victorious Prayer Warrior: Developing a Kingdom Mindset in Spiritual Warfare

The Victorious Prayer Warrior: Developing a Kingdom Mindset in Spiritual Warfare

Moving Beyond the Victim Mentality in Prayer

In the realm of spiritual warfare, many believers find themselves operating from a position of defeat rather than victory. The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force (Matthew 11:11-12) – yet too many Christians approach prayer from a defensive, victim-oriented stance rather than the offensive, victorious position that Christ secured for us.

Understanding the War Zone

We are indeed in a spiritual war. The Kingdom of God—defined in Strong’s Lexicon as “royal power, kingship, dominion, rule”—is under constant assault by the enemy. This violence manifests in our fallen world through sickness, poverty, depression, anxiety, and various forms of oppression.

These conditions aren’t God’s will but rather the result of illegal actions against His kingdom. As Derek Prince notes, “We need to understand that we’re in a conflict that spans both the visible and invisible realms.”

The Problem of Perception

Many believers develop a victim mentality due to:

  1. Viewing circumstances through past disappointments rather than through Christ’s accomplishment
  2. Reacting to distorted information rather than divine revelation
  3. Prayer based on gossip and suspicion rather than truth and facts
  4. Defensive positioning rather than taking offensive action
  5. Being shaped by media input rather than God’s voice

From Victim to Victor: Shifting Your Prayer Mindset

True spiritual warfare emerges from a position of rest and victory, not anxiety and strife. Chuck Pierce observes that “redeeming the time means taking back territory the enemy has stolen and establishing God’s order in its place.”

The Greek term for “taking by force” implies:

  • Tearing away
  • Seizing
  • Plundering
  • Carrying off by force

Rather than accepting defeat (“This is just my lot in life”), we must approach spiritual battles from a position of victory already secured by Christ.

Strategic Prayer vs. Reactive Prayer

Many believers feel overwhelmed by endless prayer lists and technology-driven prayer requests. We avoid fellow church members because we forgot to pray for their situation. We’re enslaved to reactive, guilt-driven prayer approaches rather than strategic, Spirit-led prayer warfare.

Effective prayer warriors operate like a well-trained military unit:

  • They stay focused on their assignment
  • They resist distractions
  • They use discretion about whom they speak with
  • They operate “undercover” when necessary
  • They remain united with their prayer team
  • They provide spiritual and physical protection for each other

The Power of Enduring Prayer

True spiritual endurance isn’t suffering as a victim but:

  • Holding ground in conflict
  • Bearing up against adversity
  • Standing firm under pressure
  • Waiting calmly and courageously

By approaching prayer from a position of victory rather than victimhood, believers can effectively engage in spiritual warfare, reclaiming what the enemy has stolen from God’s kingdom.

Cultivating a Victorious Mindset

To develop the mindset of a victorious prayer warrior:

  1. Recognize the reality of spiritual warfare
  2. Understand your position of authority in Christ
  3. Approach prayer from a position of rest and victory
  4. Discern between the enemy’s disinformation and God’s direction
  5. Move from defensive to offensive prayer strategies
  6. Stand firm in the knowledge that Christ has already secured the ultimate victory

As you engage in spiritual warfare from this position of victory, you’ll find yourself enduring hardship not as a victim but as a conqueror, bringing transformation to both your life and the world around you.

For more information on becoming a victorious prayer warrior, sign up for emails, learn about conferences, seminars, online classes and products at

When and What Caused God to Curse the Earth

When and What Caused God to Curse the Earth

The biblical narrative provides profound insights into the defilement of creation and God’s overarching plan for its redemption. From the very beginning, humanity’s actions have impacted the earth, but God’s desire for restoration remains steadfast. Let’s explore the pivotal moments that led to the earth’s curse and the divine call for its redemption.

1. The Defilement of Creation and the Call for Redemption

The sin of Adam and Eve marked the initial defilement of the earth. Their disobedience not only affected their relationship with God but also brought a curse upon all creation. Genesis 3:17 (NASB) states, “Cursed is the ground because of you; In toil you will eat of it all the days of your life.” This curse was further compounded by Cain’s murder of Abel, which brought additional defilement. God’s response to Cain was, “The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to Me from the ground. Now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand” (Genesis 4:10 NASB).

However, the story does not end with defilement. God calls His children, redeemed by Christ, to participate in the restoration and redemption of the earth. This involves releasing justice and setting creation free from the spiritual consequences of sin.

2. The Earth that is the Lord’s

Despite humanity’s failures, God, through Christ, has qualified and empowered believers to engage in the earth’s redemption. Ephesians 1:13-14 (NASB) speaks to this empowerment: “In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation—having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance.” As inheritors of God’s promise, believers are called to participate in His plan for creation.

From the very beginning, God’s plan was for mankind to have dominion over His creation (Genesis 1:26-28). To be good stewards of what He has entrusted to us, we must understand that the land is loved by God and given to us to cause it to flourish.

3. The Fall of Adam and Eve Affected All of Creation

God’s mandate for humanity did not change despite the curse brought by Adam’s sin. The ground was cursed because of Adam, but God’s intention for mankind to steward the earth remains. This stewardship involves recognizing the defilement caused by sin and working towards the earth’s restoration.

4. The Call for Justice

When the land is abused and justice is lost, there is a divine call for justice. Romans 8:19 (NASB) declares, “For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God.” Every blood-redeemed believer is to mature into a son of God, living from the place of knowing who they are in Christ and being led by the Holy Spirit. Creation eagerly awaits this army of mature sons to release justice and set the land free.


The defilement of the earth through sin is a significant part of the biblical narrative, but so is the promise of redemption. As believers, we are called to participate in this redemptive work, bringing justice and restoration to creation. Let us take our place on this battlefield, knowing that through Christ, we are empowered to make a lasting impact on the earth.

To learn more visit: Land Redemption to download out article 7 Prayer Targets for Your City.

The Power of Releasing Jesus’ Solution

The Power of Releasing Jesus’ Solution

In our walk of faith, understanding and embracing the power of releasing Jesus’ solution is vital. It reminds us that the battles we face are not ours alone but belong to the Lord. Through Scripture, we are encouraged to rely on God’s strength and guidance, releasing His solutions instead of acting on our own.

1. Recognize the Battle Belongs to God

Deuteronomy 20:4 (AMP) reassures us, “For the Lord your God is He Who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to save you.” This foundational truth is echoed in 2 Chronicles 20:15 (AMP) and 1 Samuel 17:47 (AMP), reminding us that the battle is not ours, but God’s. Our enemies are His enemies first, and He will fight for us.

2. Release God’s Righteous Justice

Romans 12:19-21 (TPT) advises, “Beloved, don’t be obsessed with taking revenge, but leave that to God’s righteous justice… Never let evil defeat you, but defeat evil with good.” We are called to resist the urge for revenge, trusting God to administer justice. By doing so, we allow God’s perfect plan to unfold, defeating evil with goodness.

3. Overcome Evil with Jesus’ Solution

Evil is defeated not by our might but by releasing Jesus’ solution. 1 John 4:18 (AMP) tells us, “There is no fear in love… perfect love turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror!” When fear manifests, we counter it with blood-covered, perfect love. This love, rooted in Jesus, overcomes fear and any form of evil.

4. Release His Victory and Authority

Matthew 28:18-19 (TPT) highlights Jesus’ authority: “All authority of the universe has been given to me. Now go in my authority and make disciples of all nations.” After His resurrection and ascension, Jesus was given all authority, which He extends to us. We don’t need to take authority ourselves; instead, we release what has been given to us, partnering with God to implement His victorious solutions.

5. Follow God’s Initiative

1 John 5:19 (TPT) states, “The Son is not able to do anything from himself… I only do the works that I see the Father doing.” Jesus acted in alignment with God’s will, and we are called to do the same. Our actions should reflect what we see God doing, not our own plans.

Practical Application: Being Led by the Holy Spirit

John 16:13 (NASB) promises, “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth… He will disclose to you what is to come.” Similarly, Romans 8:14 (NASB) says, “For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” Here’s how this works practically:

  • Listen to the Holy Spirit: God the Father communicates His will through Jesus to the Holy Spirit, who then guides us.
  • Obey in Faith: We obey the Holy Spirit through the faith of Jesus Christ, trusting in His guidance.
  • Watch for Results: As we act according to God’s direction, we anticipate and observe measurable results.


The power of releasing Jesus’ solution lies in recognizing that the battle is the Lord’s, releasing His righteous justice, and overcoming evil with goodness. By acting in Jesus’ authority and following God’s initiative, we align ourselves with His perfect plan. Let us listen to the Holy Spirit, obey in faith, and witness the transformative results of God’s work in our lives and communities

Check out 7 Prayer Targets for City Transformation. This article discusses the transformative power of focused intercession in addressing deep-rooted societal issues and aligns well with the theme of releasing divine solutions into challenging situations. Including a link to this article can enhance the reader’s understanding of practical prayer strategies and how they align with God’s solutions for communities.

This is an excerpt from our course Land Redemption: A Biblical Perspective on Stewardship and Transformation. To learn more click here.

Atmospheric Pressure Getting You Down?

Have you ever walked into a building and felt the presence of darkness? Perhaps you sensed frustration and anger from the people there. That is exactly what happened the night I (Richard) went to the local drug store to pick up a prescription. It was late. The front register was closed. The result: The line at the pharmacy counter consisted of sick people picking up medicine, a guy buying a six-pack and others just wanting to pay for the few items they needed that night. The atmosphere was toxic with bad attitudes.

When we walk into situations like this, we have a choice. Do we succumb to the atmospheric pressure? No! We are called to be atmosphere changers. As kingdom carriers of God’s attributes, we have the ability to shift an atmosphere of darkness to one of light. Choose to succumb, and you become overrun with the bad atmospheric pressure. Choose to overcome, and you will bring the light of the kingdom in instead.

I made a choice to release peace that night at the drug store. What seemed like a volatile environment soon changed to one of peace. The customers began smiling. Their body language changed, too. You have that ability, as well. The substance of God’s peace is within you.

We have the opportunity to release the kingdom of God wherever we go. When we sense an opposing atmosphere, we should move to action. We are to overcome evil with good. Evil wants us to concentrate on it. Don’t do it! Instead, release God’s good into the situation. This is how you displace the evil environment and become an occupying force of good instead!

Atmospheric pressure getting you down? Listen to this episode of Occupying Force on Charisma Podcast Network for tips on how to combat this everywhere you go.

Originally published in Charisma Magazine, July 30, 2021. Click here to view.

Who Has Your Ear?

Who Has Your Ear?

Our personal email inbox is overflowing with prayer requests, causes, and campaigns. Not to mention, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Rumble, etc. are full of items that vie for our attention. The resources available today through the internet, videos on demand, DVDs, CD teaching sets, classes, books, and conferences are innumerable. We often receive emails suggesting that we need to watch this or pray for that. We are told we should attend this conference or that meeting. Well-meaning people suggest that we need to read this book or hear that speaker. We could easily spend our whole day reading, watching and listening and never spend quality time with God! We were created to accomplish what He has called us to do. We’ve got to guard our time. We need to be selective in what we hear.

One day in prayer, the Lord gave Kimberly a great piece of advice that we are passing on to you:

Beware of too many voices speaking into your camp.
I have set you in alignment with those I need you to work with in this hour.
Guard your ears from words that will lead you astray from My call on your life.
Some will separate from you because they will see you as narrow-minded, but I call you focused.

If we are counting on someone else to tell us what to do, we are missing the delight of serving the Lord. Those you are in alignment with should complement what God is speaking to you. You should be running the same course. If you feel that you are running in a different direction, ask the Lord to show you if you are properly aligned. If He confirms to you that you are, let Him reveal the source of your contention so that you can deal with it. Be a blessing, not a curse. A word in due season is worth its weight in gold; but too much information equals overload. There are great resources out there. And we need to let the Lord lead us to the ones we need.

There are numerous ministries that are doing great things for God; find where you fit. You owe this to yourself and to the body of Christ. Your gifts will come alive and their ministry will be blessed to have you as part of their team. Be selective of who speaks into your life. Find your team. This is a key to being successful in spiritual warfare.


Richard & Kimberly Wilson

Kimberly J. Wilson, founded Watchmen Arise International in 2009. In 2017, the ministry’s home base merged with Revival Outreach Center in Dover, Florida where she and her husband, Richard C. Wilson, provided training, activating and networking of today’s prayer army to fight the battles of tomorrow. Now, they reside in Moravian Falls, North Carolina.