Richard & Kimberly Wilson
Victorious Prayer Warrior Bootcamp 7-week Online Intensive
Registration is officially open for Victorious Prayer Warrior Bootcamp which starts on September 30, 2018.
Classes run for 7 weeks online in an interactive group format.
This 7-week intensive class includes:
- weekly video classes (on demand)
- downloadable lessons
- worksheets
- scheduled weekly webinars and/or conference calls with your instructors
- interaction with other online students through discussion groups and social media
New modules come out each Sunday. You’re free to study on your own schedule during the week.
Early bird registration: $197.00 through September 16, 2018
After September 16: $247.00
Strategy and Protocol for Kingdom Advancement September Class
We had a great kick off of our Watchmen Arise International Fall 2018 Semester at Ekklesia House International on August 18, 2018! We continue our 4 month study on Strategy and Protocol for Kingdom Advancement with Richard and Kimberly Wilson on September 22 and we want to invite you to attend. Class and monthly phone call meeting dates are at the bottom of the page.
Kingdom Advancement School 2018 Fall Semester
Strategy and Protocol
for Kingdom Advancement
August through November 2018
September Class:
Your Eternal Function – Being Spirit-Led
Foundational Beliefs and the “Foolishness” of God
What is Holiness?
Foundational Beliefs and the “Foolishness” of God
What is Holiness?
Saturday, September 22, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Ekklesia House International, 305 N. Dover Rd., Dover, FL 33527
We have a problem: Too many believers do not know their true identity and what their real destiny is, therefore the Kingdom of God is not advancing!
Sons of God Possessing Their Inheritance
For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. – Rom. 8:14
The sons of the Kingdom of God are left on the Earth for only this purpose: extend the Kingdom of God within the circular spheres of their earthly life as a miraculous witness of the multiplied glory of Christ Jesus and set creation free. To remain on the cutting edge to advance the Kingdom of God requires understanding the war we are in and becoming warriors well equipped to never retreat in the heat of resistance created by the process of war.
Effective Warfare Begins with the Equipping of the Individual Self
Please make a special note of this truth: the protocols for transformation of the individual work also to bring transformation through effective spiritual warfare to the family, community and territory. Simply changing the focus of the intercession models prepares these models for effective family or community transformation. As these intercession models within each circle of influence are used, their use, synergizes and increases your authority and faith for effective intercession in the increased circles of influence as an expression of God’s command to “multiply & rule” in Genesis 1:28.
Fall Semester Schedule
Module 1: Saturday August 18th, 10 am-5 pm at Ekklesia House International – Tuesday September 11th , 7-8:15 pm phone call
(Click here to access the online class and gain phone call access)
Module 2: Saturday September 22nd, 10 am-5 pm at Ekklesia House International – Tuesday October 9th, 7-8:15 pm phone call
Module 3: Saturday October 13th, 10 am-5 pm at Ekklesia House International – Tuesday October 23rd, 7-8:15 pm phone call
Module 4: Saturday November 10th, 10 am-5 pm at Ekklesia House International – Tuesday November 13th, 7-8:15 pm phone call
The cost of this school will be $30 per month or $100 paid in advance/retroactive to August 2018 ($20 discount).
Register Here
New Class: Strategy and Protocol for Kingdom Advancement
Save the date for our next Watchmen Arise International Fall 2018 Semester at Ekklesia House International. Starting on August 18, 2018 we will begin our 4 month study on Strategy and Protocol for Kingdom Advancement with Richard and Kimberly Wilson. Class and monthly phone call meeting dates are at the bottom of the page. Registration is opening soon.
Kingdom Advancement School 2018 Fall Semester
Strategy and Protocol
for Kingdom Advancement
August through November 2018
Module 1: Foundational Beliefs: The Revelation of the Eternal
Saturday, August 18, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Ekklesia House International, 305 N. Dover Rd., Dover, FL 33527
We have a problem: Too many believers do not know their true identity and what their real destiny is, therefore the Kingdom of God is not advancing! And herein lies a solution starting August 2018…
Sons of God Possessing Their Inheritance
For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. – Rom. 8:14
The sons of the Kingdom of God are left on the Earth for only this purpose: extend the Kingdom of God within the circular spheres of their earthly life as a miraculous witness of the multiplied glory of Christ Jesus and set creation free. To remain on the cutting edge to advance the Kingdom of God requires understanding the war we are in and becoming warriors well equipped to never retreat in the heat of resistance created by the process of war.
Effective Warfare Begins with the Equipping of the Individual Self
Please make a special note of this truth: the protocols for transformation of the individual work also to bring transformation through effective spiritual warfare to the family, community and territory. Simply changing the focus of the intercession models prepares these models for effective family or community transformation. As these intercession models within each circle of influence are used, their use, synergizes and increases your authority and faith for effective intercession in the increased circles of influence as an expression of God’s command to “multiply & rule” in Genesis 1:28.
Fall Semester Schedule
Module 1: Saturday August 18th, 10 am-5 pm at Ekklesia House International – Tuesday September 11th , 7-8:15 pm phone call
Module 2: Saturday September 22nd, 10 am-5 pm at Ekklesia House International – Tuesday October 9th, 7-8:15 pm phone call
Module 3: Saturday October 13th, 10 am-5 pm at Ekklesia House International – Tuesday October 23rd, 7-8:15 pm phone call
Module 4: Saturday November 10th, 10 am-5 pm at Ekklesia House International – Tuesday November 13th, 7-8:15 pm phone call
The cost of this school will be $30 per month or $100 paid in advance ($20 discount).
Register Here
Upcoming Classes at Watchmen Arise International
We have several upcoming classes and worship opportunities at Watchmen Arise International at Ekklesia House designed to further your skills as an intercessor and give you an opportunity to deepen your relationship with the Lord. Check out what’s on the calendar for May and June:
May 12, 2018 – The 8 lesson Preparing for Battle School ends this month with our last class: Active Duty Part II. Register here.
May 18, 2018 – Fire on the Altar Night of Worship hosted by Richard & Kimberly Wilson. Night of Holy Spirit led worship and prayer. FREE
June 8-9, 2018 – Dr. Patti Amsden will be teaching our June Kingdom Advancement School on the topic of Portals and Angels. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to learn from Patti. Cost: $25.00 Session starts Friday at 7 PM and Saturday 10 AM – 1 PM Register here.
Preparing for Battle 2.0 Class Continues April 21, 2018
Registration is now open for our April 21, 2018 Kingdom Advancement School: PREPARING FOR BATTLE 2.0: Active Duty class with Richard and Kimberly Wilson. If you’re in the Tampa Bay area, join us live for a day of training designed to equip you to be an effective prayer warrior. Classes are held at Ekklesia House International, 305 N. Dover Rd., Dover, FL 33527.
>>> LEARN MORE <<<
God is releasing strategies to win in the days ahead. He is looking for those who will take the kingdom by force. Whether you feel called to pray for your school, business, church or region, the lessons in this course will equip you to succeed in the battles ahead. You will receive keys to cultivate your personal prayer life. You will learn how to join with others in corporate intercession.
Preparing for Battle is an intensive training course for those God is calling out to seek a hostile take over of the kingdom of darkness. Preparation takes time and sometimes in our hurry to see results we miss this step. May we all take time to revisit the issues of our heart and the call of God on our lives so we can be positioned to advance together in the days ahead!
Whether you are a seasoned intercessor, ministry leader or just getting started in the prayer movement this course is for you. This class will set you on a course of victory. Get ready to be prepared for battle!
>>> REGISTER <<<
KINGDOM ADVANCEMENT CLASSES ARE NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE: Includes audio files, downloadable workbook and class handouts. Internet access is required. Cost per session: $25.00.
Check out our COURSES page to learn more about Preparing for Battle 2.0 Online.