by Kimberly J. and Richard C. Wilson | Jun 28, 2021 | Christian Life
They say that it takes 21 days to break a habit. That includes the habit of self-isolation. Work from home mandates removed us from our co-workers. Stay-at-home orders kept us from friends and loved ones. Restrictions on gathering in church buildings over the last...
by Kimberly J. and Richard C. Wilson | Apr 27, 2021 | Christian Life, Spiritual Warfare
Article featured on April 21, 2021 in: There is a spiritual war going on around us—a fight between light and darkness. There is a need for an occupying force to step out of the four walls of the church and influence the society around them. Fifteen years ago, we never...
by Kimberly J. and Richard C. Wilson | Apr 16, 2021 | Christian Life, Spiritual Warfare
A favorite story of ours is in 2 Chr. 20, when King Jehoshaphat saw great victory in his nation after a declared time of prayer and fasting on a national level. What is often overlooked is the training that took place in the previous chapters of 2 Chronicles....
by Kimberly J. and Richard C. Wilson | Apr 1, 2021 | Christian Life, Spiritual Warfare
One morning while I (Kimberly) was in prayer the Lord called me a hypocrite. Ouch! When I inquired as to why, He answered, “Because you rally people to pray for your city, even for your mayor, but you despise where you are.” Ouch again! The Lord continued, “You are...
by Kimberly J. and Richard C. Wilson | Jul 8, 2020 | Christian Life, Spiritual Warfare, Training
Richard and Kimberly Wilson invite you to the kick-off of our new Societal Transformers Bootcamp. Starting July 18, 2020 we will dive into our study of being a societal change agent for the Kingdom of God. Check out this video to learn more:...
by Kimberly J. and Richard C. Wilson | Sep 13, 2019 | Christian Life, God's Calendar
Cruising is a great way to get away from cell phones, meetings and our office. So last December we boarded the Carnival Miracle and set sail for a week of quiet bliss on the seas. God loves to speak at the most appropriate times, of which He chose a day where we...