Richard & Kimberly Wilson
7 Prayer Targets for City Transformation
Our cities need spiritual transformation and civil reformation. One way you can be part of this is through targeted intercession focused on discipling your city. Oftentimes, we focus on symptomatic issues instead of transformative ones. If we are to overcome corruption and deep-rooted sin in our cities, we must pray for a discipling movement to begin.
Targeted intercession is focused prayer. Think of your prayer as an arrow pulled back in a bow. You are ready to aim and shoot. However, without a target, your prayers fly amiss! Most likely, they will not hit the mark. Prayer targets tend to bring more measurable results.
In the area of city transformation, several areas should be targeted. The spiritual component of prayer, combined with believers who will be the voice and action of change, will cause communities to reform. When the worldview of citizens shifts, the culture follows suit.
Ready to pray for city transformation? Let’s join together and target the following areas in our towns:
- Revival of our first love: We are commanded to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves. When a realization of God’s big love for us manifests in members of a community, the culture will change.
- We must understand who we are as citizens of the kingdom: This includes taking personal responsibility for how we govern ourselves. What do we govern? Our thoughts, attitudes and motives. Also, our homes, faith communities and schools. Citizens who understand their identities are productive members of society.
- Ignorance is not bliss: Uneducated people can quickly become enslaved. Abraham Lincoln wisely stated, “The philosophy of the schools in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” Pray for a biblical worldview to be taught, as well as moral and principled education, correct history, The Constitution, etc.
- Moral Compass: Pray for an understanding of right from wrong to awaken others. There has been a loss of biblical principles and virtues. People of virtue respect and obey the law. Lack of character results in immorality, corrupt laws and poor economy.
- Citizen’s Rights: Empowered people empower people. It is our biblical right to own our ideas, thoughts and opinions. Your talent belongs to you. You have the right to own land, speak freely and enjoy the freedom of assembly.
- Pray Psalm 110:3, “People will volunteer freely in the day of Thy power.” This includes community collaboration amongst believers to be agents of change in the community.
- We are talking cooperation, not competition. Balanced unity is a blessing. When unity is forced, it is a form of communism.
To listen to messages on this topic click on these episodes on Occupying Force with Richard & Kimberly Wilson:
Is Your City Possessed?
When Jesus told the disciples to cast out demons in His name, this included communities as well as people. What are the demons that inhabit cities? Deep-rooted, cultural sin and oppression. Learned sinful behaviors passed down from generation to generation will result in deep-rooted, cultural sin. Often, demonic possession will take place. The evidence of oppression is high-crime rates, drug-dealers, corruption, systemic poverty and more.
What are we to do about it? Walk out Jesus’ instruction in the Great Commission. “Go into all the world …” (see Mark 16:15-17, Matt 28:18-20). In other words, go into your community! Gather with like-minded believers in your city. Pray together. Push back darkness. Strategize on how to become a solution to systemic issues. Begin to occupy the land the enemy has ruled.
Listen to this episode of Occupying Force on Charisma Podcast Network to hear how you can be involved in societal transformation by casting out demons in your land.
This article originally ran on August 23, 2021 in
The Power of WE-dentity
One of our favorite messages to share is the concept of “We-dentity.” The believer who grasps this reality of the fullness of Father, Son and Holy Spirit in you equals a “We,” walks in the fullness of their spiritual identity.
Not that identity is not important, we need to have a clear picture of who we are in Christ. However, we were created for more. It is no longer “I” alone to face the world; the power of the fullness of the kingdom is within you. The truth is you are part of a “We.” To experience this reality, put your hand on your heart and make this declaration: “Father + Son + Holy Spirit in [your name] = We.” Do you feel the power of the 3 in 1 force multiplication? The truth is you are outnumbered! This is a very good thing.
From the beginning, we see that the Godhead works as a “We.” Genesis 1:26a says, “Let us make man in our image.” Jesus wants us to understand this as well. This was His prayer to the Father in John 17:22b, “that they may be one, just as We are one.”
When the accuser of the brethren comes, he attempts to aggravate the isolated believer. In truth, he is accusing the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in you, too! He wants you to think that he is accusing you alone. Whenwe take this bait, we find ourselves in despair, depression, anxiety and fear. We were never created to fight alone. The force of the Trinity is with you!
When you hear the voice of the accuser:
- Ask the Father, Son and Holy Spirit what He thinks about the accusation.
- Ask if there is anything He wants you to do or say regarding it.
- Ask for timing to proceed with what He tells you.
It is time to walk in “WE-dentity!” No more isolation. You are not alone!
Want to learn more? Listen to Occupying Force: The Force Be with You on Charisma Podcast Network now. You can also check out Preparing for Battle: Developing the Lifestyle of a Victorious Prayer Warrior by Kimberly J. and Richard C. Wilson.
Richard and Kimberly Wilson, executive directors of Watchmen Arise International, serve as corporate trainers of societal transforming Christians. Together they co-host the Occupying Force Podcast, co-authored Preparing for Battle: Developing the Lifestyle of a Victorious Prayer Warrior (available in Spanish, too), Victorious Prayer Warrior Bootcamp Online Train the Trainer Intensive and Societal Transformers Bootcamp. They are popular speakers who activate regional teams and individuals alike in the areas of spiritual management, civil engagement and transformed communities. To find out more about the Wilsons and interactive online training opportunities visit
This article appeared in Charisma Magazine on July 30, 2021.
Do You See What God Sees?
We have many gifted, prophetic people in our spheres of influence. Our inbox stays full of requests to look at certain societal issues, dreams, prophetic words and personal revelations. The first thing we do is read the information from a nonpartisan perspective. This means that we do not make a judgment call based on the revelation presented. We must remain objective. We assess the situation and seek the Lord’s counsel for what has been revealed. If we do not get a reply from the Lord, we do not move on the issue. We file it away in the memory bank and wait for the opportune time to address it.
All too often we find that intercessors see a problem and react to the immediate need without gaining the Lord’s timing and strategy to address the issue. We must learn that God loves order. What you are seeing is not a shock to Him. He is revealing an issue, so you can dive into the preparation to succeed in the battle at hand. Chances are He is speaking to others in the body of Christ to take up arms in the battle as well.
Just like many of us who are called to a life of intercession, the prophet Habakkuk had a burden for what he was seeing in his land. He cried out to the Lord:
“O Lord, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear? Or cry to You, ‘Violence!’ and You will not save? Why do You make me see wickedness, and cause me to see trouble? Plundering and violence are before me; strife and contention arise. Therefore the law is powerless, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore injustice proceeds” (Hab. 1:2-4).
The Lord responded to Habakkuk’s vision by telling him to stand back and watch the nations. God had a bigger plan than what Habakkuk saw. The Lord began to reveal repositioning of the nations in the days ahead. The prophet was put in a season of observation, not action. Obviously, this frustrated Habakkuk.
The burden of the vision was more than the prophet could handle. Habakkuk still pursued the Lord through supplication to take care of this very evident problem in the land despite the instruction of the Lord requesting him to sit back and watch the plan unfold. The prophet even had data about the kingdom infractions that were taking place. He presented his case to the Lord. He pleaded for a just ruling to take place concerning the wicked Chaldeans who were ensnaring the people under the leadership of their wicked government. The cry of Habakkuk’s heart consumed his thoughts, prayers and research.
After presenting the case, Habakkuk made the statement, “I will stand my watch and station myself on the watchtower; and I will keep watch to see what He will say to me, and what I will answer when I am reproved” (Hab. 2:1). Apparently, the prophet knew that his perspective was not accurate. He waited for the Lord to correct his view, finetune his perspective and give him a strategy to deal with the issue. The story continues when the Lord answered Habakkuk and said:
“Write the vision, and make it plain on tablets, that he who reads it may run. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but it speaks of an end, and does not lie. If it delays, wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay” (Hab. 2:2-3).
The following verses in that chapter reveal God’s plan of action and judgment in the situation. Habakkuk wrote down the vision, the plan, the strategy for the prayer assignment and revealed the word to address the issue. The judgment was decreed through the word of the prophet. The problem, kingdom violations, plan of action and prophecy were declared because Habakkuk wrote the vision and made it plain. Had he not done this, the kingdom of Judah would not have known the Lord’s plan to deal with the Chaldeans, or Babylonians.
Just as Habakkuk did with what the Lord had shown him, we need to begin asking questions regarding the actions that are to be taken once a potential assignment is presented. Let us gain the Lord’s perspective. May we see as He sees!
Listen to this episode of Occupying Force on Charisma Podcast Network to learn how to gain God’s perspective.
Want to learn more? Check out Preparing for Battle: Developing the Lifestyle of a Victorious Prayer Warrior by Kimberly J. & Richard C. Wilson.
Originally written for Charisma Magazine. Click here to read.

Everything—Even Trials—Can Be Used for Your Good
Matthew 24:13 tells us, “But he who endures to the end shall be saved.” There is an art to enduring to the end. According to Strong’s Concordance, to endure means to hold one’s ground in conflict, bear up against adversity, hold out under stress, stand firm, persevere under pressure, wait calmly and courageously. Endurance is the mark of a winner.
Spiritual warfare is not for the faint of heart. It takes training to develop endurance. Our trials and tribulations in life become our training ground by providing resistance training for our spirit and soul. Jesus “endured the cross.” Why? “For the joy that was set before Him” (see Heb. 12:2). His endurance fulfilled His destiny to open up the way to the Father and to unseat the ruler of this age. It brought Him joy to finish the task of the cross for us. Thank you, Jesus, for your endurance!
God has destined each of us from the beginning of time with purpose. Our lives have meaning. What we have to contribute is important to the kingdom. If we do not complete our purpose, then those around us lose out because our portion of kingdom work is not complete.
We see this principle in the life of the apostle Paul. From prison he penned:
Now I want you to know, brethren, that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel, so that my imprisonment in the cause of Christ has become well known throughout the whole praetorian guard and to everyone else, and that most of the brethren, trusting in the Lord because of my imprisonment, have far more courage to speak the word of God without fear. (Phil. 1:12-14, NASB)
Paul recognized that his endurance was a window for the kingdom to advance and would have valuable effects on those watching him. Paul’s joy came because what he lived for (the manifestation of Christ) was actually happening.
In 2 Timothy 2:1-10, Paul says:
You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier. Also if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not win the prize unless he competes according to the rules. The hard-working farmer ought to be the first to receive his share of the crops. Consider what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything. Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, descendant of David, according to my gospel, for which I suffer hardship even to imprisonment as a criminal; but the word of God is not imprisoned. For this reason I endure all things for the sake of those who are chosen, so that they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus and with it eternal glory.
We must not refuse the processes that reveal the purpose of God in our life. Our endurance allows others to obtain the salvation found in Christ with eternal glory. Endurance is a divine attribute of Christ given to us. Be encouraged. We are empowered to endure!
Listen to this episode of Occupying Force on the Charisma Podcast Network for more on the force of endurance.
Want more? Check out the Wilsons’ book Preparing for Battle: Developing the Lifestyle of a Victorious Prayer Warrior.
Richard and Kimberly Wilson, executive directors of Watchmen Arise International, serve as corporate trainers of societal transforming Christians. Together they co-host the Occupying Force podcast, co-authored Preparing for Battle: Developing the Lifestyle of a Victorious Prayer Warrior (available in Spanish), and Victorious Prayer Warrior Bootcamp Online Train the Trainer Intensive. They are popular speakers who activate regional teams and individuals alike in the areas of spiritual management, civil engagement and transformed communities. To find out more about the Wilsons and interactive online training opportunities visit
This article was featured on on May 4, 2021.